Machine vs Nature

A project for class, the assignment was to create a series of 5 dynamic posters (plus a cover and a sign-off poster) that focused on the theme of contrast. In my series, I wanted to explore the diverse and complex relationships between nature and machines. 

The cover poster has the machine remove and reveal the word nature, showing both an antagonistic and friendly relationship. The sign-off poster is more focused on the intervening relationship of nature (wanting to end on a more positive note).

The first two posters deal with the antagonistic relationship between nature and machines, nature being destroyed in order to create more machines. The third poster is a mixed one, dealing with the power of nature to intervene with machines but the withering away of the vine ultimately reveals its fragility. The last two posters end on a more positive note. In the fourth poster, the machine returns to the Earth and helps to nurture the growth of nature. In the fifth poster, nature is cut away by machines, but it proves itself to be resilient and always returns.

I used a combination of Illustrator and After Effects for this project.


Publishing: RBG Interview


AR Booklet: Toki